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How to set up device priority on your Connect Fibre Router

A guide to optimising Connect Fibre routers to prioritise internet bandwidth to certain devices.

Device priority allows Connect Fibre routers to allocate bandwidth to certain devices. This is a useful setting if you find that a certain device is not getting enough bandwidth e.g. a smart TV.

Device Priority is disabled by default on all Connect Fibre routers as our full fibre connections supply more than enough bandwidth for most users. We advise only using this service after discussing with our customer service team to see if there are other solutions.

Setting up Device Priority

In your Connect Fibre router app, go to Priority:


To delete a device from the list simply hit the bin icon next to it. Or to turn off device priority click the toggle at the top.


If you find that device priority is not needed, and you have added devices to the list, it is recommended that you delete all devices from the list before turning it off. Otherwise, they will still be stored in the memory, and it may still affect performance of your connection.