Take the leap and choose your perfect package.
Same upload & download speeds
150Mbps guaranteed4

Same upload & download speeds
500Mbps guaranteed4

Same upload & download speeds
900Mbps guaranteed4
Plus get Connect TV free for a limited time only**

With Wi-Fi 7. 2000Mbps upload/download guaranteed4
Plus get Connect TV free for a limited time only**

Why Connect Fibre?
Step into the world of Connect Fibre, where we redefine your broadband experience with faster speeds, fairer prices, and flawless service.
Experience limitless possibilities with our blazing-fast full fibre broadband. Stream, chat, work and game without interruption, enjoying guaranteed speeds that keep you connected flawlessly.
15x faster download 1
84x faster upload 1
We believe in transparent pricing. Our commitment ensures that both new and loyal customers receive the same great deals, free from unexpected surprises.
Free install and setup
No loyalty penalty 2
Our UK-based dream team is on hand, ready to handle your every need. With free installation and expert router placement in the home, we ensure Wi-Fi magic from day one!
"Excellent" rated on Trustpilot
UK-based customer support
Experience limitless possibilities with our blazing-fast full fibre broadband. Stream, chat, work and game without interruption, enjoying guaranteed speeds that keep you connected flawlessly.
15x faster download 1
84x faster upload 1
We believe in transparent pricing. Our commitment ensures that both new and loyal customers receive the same great deals, free from unexpected surprises.
Free install and setup
No loyalty penalty 2
Our UK-based dream team is on hand, ready to handle your every need. With free installation and expert router placement in the home, we ensure Wi-Fi magic from day one!
"Excellent" rated on Trustpilot
UK-based customer support
Customers love us
Other providers can't match our blazing-fast speeds, fairer pricing
and flawless customer service.6

Whole home coverage with Connect Mesh
Eliminate dead spots, and enjoy flawless connectivity in every corner of your home.
Just £8 per month.

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1 Ofcom home broadband report 2022
2 Unlike other providers, we won’t penalise you for loyalty. When you renew your contract, you don’t pay any more than a new customer would
4 Guaranteed speeds are to the Connect Fibre router and not over Wi-Fi
5 If you don’t get 50Mbps in every room, you can return the extra nodes and we'll refund one month's Connect Mesh subscription. For full details see our Terms and Conditions
6 Trustpilot reviews and ratings comparison taken from Trustpilot website and correct as of 09/12/24.
7 Ofcom Supercharging investment in fibre broadband 08 Jan 2020. Full Fibre broadband is 5x more reliable that standard copper or fibre to the cabinet (FTTC) broadband.
**Free Connect TV is only available when selecting out Hypersonic 1000Mbps or 2000Mbps packages. Connect Fibre TV is usually £8 per month, but will be no charge for the duration of your 18 month contract. Leaving your broadband contract early you may be liable for early cancellation charges. Offer ends 6th of March 2025.