Carbon Reduction Plan 

Updated: April 2023 

Connect Fibre Logomark

Outlined in the sections below is Connect Fibre’s Carbon Reduction Plan, developed in line with requirements set out as part of Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 06/21, with supporting Technical Standard documentation. The Plan is presented in plain text format to allow for easy transition into Connect Fibre’s existing reporting templates and formats.

Our Commitment to achieving Net Zero Carbon

Connect Fibre is committed to achieving Net Zero Carbon emissions by 2050 (or sooner)


This requires Connect Fibre to reduce our operational GHG emissions as close to zero as possible by 2050 and then using carbon removals to mitigate our remaining operational emissions (residual emissions from essential business operations).

Current (Baseline) Reporting Year - 2022 GHG Emissions Footprint

Connect Fibre’s baseline greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions footprint for the 2022/23 financial year (FY) (1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023) is presented below.  These results will be used as a benchmark against which future targets and our progress towards Net Zero will be measured against.

GHG emissions have been calculated following best practice methodology set out by the GHG Protocol and UK Government Reporting Guidelines. Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions have also been calculated in accordance with existing Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting requirements (SECR), whilst Scope 3 GHG emissions have been calculated closely following recognised best practice set out by the GHG Protocol. All results are presented in tonnes CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent).

Supporting energy consumption and fuel data used to calculate GHG emissions covers the whole of the 2022/23 FY reporting year, which runs from 1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023.

Figure 1 – Connect Fibre’s GHG Emissions Footprint (% split by emissions source)

Figure 2 – Connect Fibre’s GHG Emissions Footprint (% split by emissions source). For ease of reference well-to-tank (WTT) emissions have been included within their respective emissions sources.


Key Commentary:

Connect Fibre GHG emissions footprint for the 2022/23 reporting year is 147.08 tonnes CO2e.  Key commentary and analysis of our results includes:

  • Company Fleet accounts for the majority (86%) of our total GHG emissions footprint; Accounting for 126.13 tonnes CO2e. This therefore represents our most significant direct environmental impact and is a key reduction priority
  • The Grey Fleet (Employee-owned vehicles used for business travel) accounts for 10% (14.97 tonnes CO2e) of our GHG emissions footprint
  • The small amount of natural gas used for the Shireoaks Warehouse was estimated using monetary invoices since October. Natural gas usage is expected to increase as we increase our data collection effort
  • Energy consumption data for our London office was not available for use in the calculation of our GHG emissions footprint.  Energy consumption has therefore been estimated using energy benchmarks based on estimated total floor area (50 m2)

Data Exclusions

  • Connect Fibre does not currently collect information on staff commuting, hence it is excluded from our GHG emissions. We are currently assessing how this information can be collated and included with future emission calculations
  • Suitably accurate data was not available to Connect Fibre to be able to report on GHG emissions arising from fugitive emissions, waste disposal, and water consumption.  We are currently assessing how this information can be collated and included with future emission calculations
  • Connect Fibre will continue to review opportunities to improve the quantification of our supply chain emissions moving forward including upstream/downstream transportation & distribution activities.

Emissions Reduction Targets & Trajectory

Connect Fibre is currently in the process of developing our Net Zero Carbon Strategy and defining interim targets that we will set, aligned with our ambition to become Net Zero by 2050. We recognise that in order to achieve Net Zero we will have to mitigate our residual GHG emissions (i.e. emission we are unable to reduce any further, those from essential operation of the company) through carbon sequestration/removal mechanisms this accounts for the last 11.19 tCO2e (2050) of GHG emissions see on Figure 3 below.

The trajectories outlined below present a reduction pathway aligned with the 1.5°C Warming Scenario outlined by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) Absolute Contraction Approach , which will act as a benchmark to compare our GHG emissions against.  This approach is designed to provide a reduction trajectory which is aligned with the most ambitious published climate science and the aims of the Paris Agreement.

Figure 3 – Connect Fibre Scope 1 -3 GHG Emission Reduction Trajectory to 2050


Shading denotes the gap between trajectory and zero GHG emissions and is used to provide an indication as to the magnitude of offsetting/sequestration required to achieve Net Zero. This chart will be updated on an annual basis to show our progress against these reduction trajectories (red line).

We will update our Carbon Reduction Plan and our trajectory chart accordingly once interim targets have been agreed.

Carbon Reduction Projects

Connect Fibre plans to implement a number of environmental management and sustainability measures that will work to decarbonise Connect Fibre’s activities. The progress and impact of these measures is actively monitored by one of our senior Project Managers.

Improve Data collection and accuracy:

  • We will improve our travel data collection by recording the mode of travel, including any associated Class of travel, as well as the points travelled between. This will increase the accuracy of our travel associated emissions
  • We will expand and improve the scope of our GHG emissions data collection. By doing this we hope to publish a more accurate total carbon footprint. This will include the collection of Electricity, Gas, Water, Waste, Fleet Mileage/fuel consumption, Business travel and Fugitive emissions
  • We will improve our data collection by using more reliable sources, including utility invoices, for future reporting

Business Operation:

  • Our current fleet is made up of petrol and diesel vehicles. In the near future, we will be looking to upgrade some vehicles to EV or low emission alternatives. We will also look at the feasibility of installing charge points. Furthermore, we will look at the feasibility of EV salary sacrifice schemes for our employees
  • A review of how the fleet operates will be conducted to ensure only necessary journeys are taken and that they are conducted in the most sustainable way
  • We have already and will continue to encourage a Hybrid/Work-from-home scheme to reduce the emissions associated with commuting
  • We plan to look for energy saving opportunities across our sites, including but not limited to upgrading the efficiency of our building heating equipment and insulation
  • We will consider retrofitting our existing sites with LEDs and PIR sensors to reduce our energy consumption
  • We will commit to gathering accurate water consumption data for future reporting years. This will improve the transparency of our total carbon footprint
  • Our water system will be reviewed and upgraded to ensure easier monitoring but also allow the installation of water saving strategies including sensor taps and cistern water saving devices in toilets and washrooms
  • To further reduce travel, we will look to recruit our team locally

Declaration & Sign Off
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.

Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol Corporate Standard, using the appropriate Government emission Conversion Factors for GHG Company Reporting.

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard from Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard.

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).