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23rd May 2023 Why Broadband has Become a Necessity for a Connected World!

In today's lightning-fast world, broadband has become an absolute necessity. Whether you're busy working hard, expanding your mind through education, staying connected with loved ones, enjoying some entertainment, or accessing vital services, you need reliable and high-speed internet connectivity. Buckle up as we dive into why broadband has evolved from a luxury to something we simply can't live without.

11th May 2023 Wi-Fi Woes? Connect Fibre Shares Tips to Fix Your Home Network

👋 Hey there, folks! Connect Fibre here, and it's time to talk about something that's become a fundamental part of our lives - Wi-Fi! We all know that Wi-Fi is an essential tool for staying connected with the world, but sometimes it can be a real problem. From poor signal strength to slow connection speeds, there are several issues that we encounter with our home Wi-Fi networks. There are several reasons you could be experiencing poor Wi-Fi. Poor signal strength Slow connection speeds Connection dropouts Security concerns Compatibility issues Read on for our tips on how to fix these issues. ✅

3rd May 2023 How to Generate a Secure Password

As the internet continues to play an increasingly prominent role in our daily lives, the importance of generating secure passwords cannot be overstated. Passwords are the first line of defense against cyber attacks, and weak or easily guessable passwords can leave your personal information vulnerable to theft. In this blog post, we will outline some tips for generating secure passwords.

7th November 2022 Weird Wi-Fi Facts You Probably Didn't Know

Weird Wi-Fi facts! Here are some weird facts about Wi-Fi you probably didn't know! There are more Wi-Fi devices in the world than people at more than 29 billion devices in 2022. This is up from just 9 billion devices in 2017! That means Wi-Fi device numbers are growing faster than the human population! With an estimated 50 billion devices online by 2025 the need for flawless and faster internet is only growing! Wi-Fi uses radio waves! Wi-Fi is a technology that uses radio waves to transfer information from one device to another, that’s what makes it possible to use the internet without cables So radio evolved into Wi-Fi, that leaves us all scratching our heads wondering what Wi-Fi will evolve into Wi-Fi is very susceptible to interference, that’s why we use smart technology here at Connect Fibre, to ensure we minimize the interference of your Wi-Fi and use the best channels to get the fastest most flawless connection Things that cause interference are things like mobile phones, Bluetooth, microwaves, or weirder still, a fish tank or even YOU! That’s right you’re about 60% water which can cause interference with Wi-Fi! South Korea has the fastest Wi-Fi at an astonishing average speed of 212.57Mbps but Connect Fibre plan to help bring that title home to the UK. Check out our largest package of 1000mbps - it's fast enough to make Usain Bolt blush! Did you know that you can use our handy online wizard to help you choose the best deal for you? Click here to visit our wizard. 63% of the world is now online and that number just keeps growing! This means that an astonishing 37% of people are still not on the internet. That's why Connect Fibre remain dedicated to ensuring our prices are fair and affordable, especially in these uncertain times. Wi-Fi is doughnut shaped! Wi-Fi generally emits from your router in a doughnut shape, what a mouthwatering thought! Do you have a weird Wi-Fi fact we've missed? Get in touch we'd love to hear it! you can get in touch via our Facebook page, Live Chat, email or WhatsApp